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Jocelyne Verret says: 

I am a published writer whose creativity needed a kick-start, and Rusti Lehay’s creative writing class, did just that. Rusti has created an atmosphere of acceptance and of positive feedback that allows us all to feel confident in workshopping new pieces of writing, such as prose, poetry, monologues, dialogues, etc. I have made new friends since attending these classes over the past five months and have renewed my love of words and writing. 

Amy Kniskern Lenardson says:

I’m amazed at how you capture so much of what we share. You must be writing in shorthand. And then on top of that, you come up with these beautiful things that validate, build on a topic, inspire, and emotional connect with each and every one. I honour you and will be contacting you for more of your wisdom.

Just three of the multitude of ways you can work with Rusti at Word Quest:

There is so much I love about words and writing. Healing, Expression, Reflection. Communication. Solutions. Poetry. Longevity. Freedom.
Whenever you’re interested or need additional support, I'm here with options and resources to support your strategic writing goals in the BEST way for you!
Here are just a few ways writers can join my community:
Test out your writing with a Sample Editing Session 
- in this session, we probe together for the best turns of phrase, developmental structure and flow, examine the silver thread structure strength to hold a reader's attention, point out social media blurbs and guerilla marketing techniques, where to cut, add or move content and much more.
Sign up for the free Friday Inspiration Boost
- the only consistent way to know what's happening from week to week plus enjoy some prompts for potential inspiration and view the video for more ideas on what to write.
Join the free Monday Co-Writing Room
- in this rowdy but fun-loving, creative group, you are dropped into the energy soup of productivity and build muscle memory for writing on a weekly basis. The regular attendees repeatedly say how much they have accomplished in this time. Resources, writing tips and encouragement are often shared.