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​Co-Ed 3-hour Writers' Lounges every month.

Join us to write in a supportive, nurturing group of women. 
We meet four times a year for full weekend STAY-Treats.​

Writing Events Every Month

Starting with the three-hour co-ed Writers' Lounge every month on the second Saturday from Noon - 3 PM MST (2 - 5 PM EST).

The full weekend STAY-Treats now take place four times  a  year, January, March,  September and November, on the third or fourth weekend.

Find full details on the   event page.

To see a short video of what happens in the Lounges and STAY-Treats, please click here.

Hope to see you soon!

To book a free 30-minute chat about your writing ,click here.

Almost before we knew it, we wrote page upon page. 

All our words heard, no longer alone, telling the stories, rejecting the shame and silencing. 

Our words are instruments to heal and heal others sharing our stories so we can all live free. 

The mists enveloping the past and/or our ideas now fade as we enjoy space with each other.

Writers Lounge Payment Link Non-Canadians
Writers' Lounge Payment Link Canadians
Stay-Treat Payment Link Non-Canadians
Stay-Treat Payment Link Canadians
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