Scroll below to view upcoming events in order
Navigating Grief Through Writing
Do you ever feel stuck in your grief? Do you wonder how to slow the spin of thoughts in your headand the churn of emotions in your body?Come join us to find out how writing can help.
In this session, we will discuss the concept of permission.
Permission to grieve. Permission to feel. Permission to hope. Permission to share.
We'll talk about some of the normal things that happen in grief and how we can give ourselves permission for everything that happens to be acceptable.
We'll have a writing prompt to help you to connect with your grief in a way that feels empowered and hopeful.
Grief is normal. What you are experiencing is normal. Writing can help ground you in reality and chart your path forward.
One breath, one paragraph at a time.
Click here to register for August 21st or September 11th. 5:30-7 MST
Check out the other regular events on this page.
Rusti L Lehay and Suzanne Jabour will be your hosts for a value-packed 90 minutes.
Navigating Grief Through Writing
Permission to grieve. Permission to feel. Permission to hope. Permission to share.
We'll have a writing prompt to help you to connect with your grief in a way that feels empowered and hopeful.
Grief is normal. What you are experiencing is normal. Writing can help ground you in reality and chart your path forward.
One breath, one paragraph at a time.
Click here to register for August 21st or September 11th. 5:30-7 MST
Rusti L Lehay and Suzanne Jabour will be your hosts for a value-packed 90 minutes.
Rusti L Lehay
Rusti L Lehay is a long-time creative writing instructor and writing coach/editor who specializes in bringing an empathic, heart-centred approach to writing exercises that can heal and create sense out of the disorder of life. When we write to heal or deal with the mysteries and chaos of life, we are our own audience. Two of her key statements are: “the pen is mightier than the therapist” and “Trust your first draft.” Driven by a passion for the power of the written word, she believes the pen in our hands is a powerful tool to navigate the muddy waters of grief. When our lives are torn asunder, letting out words to flow onto the page can offer epiphanies and relief from deep sorrows. Her approach is simple: just write, feel the feelings, examine what arises, then let go and move on to the next breath, the next word.
Letting go and healing work often needs to be done again and again. She shares how our experiences and events are our mirrors and best teachers if only we choose to dive in to the deep end of uncomfortable feelings. The page is the most friendly place for reflection and the safest place for examining life. Rusti is often told, “You create such safety for anyone in your groups."
Suzanne Jabour
Suzanne is a grieving mom who has found meaning in her loss through providing grief education – sharing how grief really works and how we can support people experiencing it. She is committed to creating safe spaces for us to talk about and share our grief.
Her three pronged approach is designed to change the paradigm around grief. She works with grievers to chart their own path through Conscious and Curious Grief Coaching. She trains Grief Informed Leaders and transforms businesses through her Grief Resilient Workplace programs.
Suzanne speaks regularly to share her story and help normalize grief as a healthy response to losses big and small. She believes normalizing grief and opening conversations about it allows us to understand better so that we can create connection instead of isolation in times of loss.
September 5th, 2024 Confirmed Pomodoro Retreat Day
The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s.
It uses a kitchen timer to break work into 20-minute intervals,
followed by short five-minute breaks and then repeats.
Each interval is known as a Pomodoro,
from the Italian word for tomato.
Cirillo used a tomato-shaped timer in his university studies.
Find out more by visiting this information page.
Click here for the Cdn payment link. Only $37.97!
Check out the other regular events below.
Rusti L Lehay (creative writing instructor and workshop leader for nearly two decades) will be your host.
September 5th, 2024 Confirmed Pomodoro Retreat Day
The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s.
It uses a kitchen timer to break work into 20-minute intervals,
followed by short five-minute breaks and then repeats.
Each interval is known as a Pomodoro,
from the Italian word for tomato.
Cirillo used a tomato-shaped timer in his university studies.
Find out more by visiting this information page.Click here for the Cdn payment link. Only $37.97!
Rusti L Lehay (creative writing instructor and workshop leader for nearly two decades) will be your host.
September 7th, 2024
will be the next
Co-Ed Writers' Lounge
We gather, write to prompts, share, receive verbal feedback from me and from the group in the chat. Click here to register for the next Writers' Lounge and write!
Sign up here for free to be alerted.
Check out the other regular events above and below.
Rusti L Lehay (creative writing instructor and workshop leader for over a decade) will be your guide.
September 7th, 2024
will be the next
Co-Ed Writers' Lounge
We gather, write to prompts, share, receive verbal feedback from me and from the group in the chat. Click here to register for the next Writers' Lounge and write!
Sign up here for free to be alerted.
Rusti L Lehay (creative writing instructor and workshop leader for over a decade) will be your guide.
Pop-Up 2024 Fall Event
Open Mic
October 26th, 2024
Click here to register for the next open mic to be alerted when the date is set.
Check out the other regular events on this page.
Rusti L Lehay (creative writing instructor and workshop leader for nearly two decades) will be your host.
Pop-Up 2024 Fall Event
Open Mic
October 26th, 2024
Click here to register for the next open mic to be alerted when the date is set.
Rusti L Lehay (creative writing instructor and workshop leader for nearly two decades) will be your host.
Fall 2024 Date TBA
Free Memoir Masterclass.
We'll discuss - some of the brain science of writers' block, how to conquer it thru practical steps, habit creation for writing regularly, follow-up on your establishing a writing routine, how to begin, organize, structure your work, how to self-edit, how to write as a pantser AND a plotter, start your marketing, how to hire an editor and more.
Even more details will be posted on my Eventbrite Listing once a date is confirmed. (Like the 5 Key Factors of Telling a Compelling Story.)
Click here to note your interest in registered for the next Memoir MasterClass!
Check out the other regular events above and below.
Rusti L Lehay (creative writing instructor and workshop leader for over a decade) will be your guide.
Fall 2024 Date TBA
We'll discuss - some of the brain science of writers' block, how to conquer it thru practical steps, habit creation for writing regularly, follow-up on your establishing a writing routine, how to begin, organize, structure your work, how to self-edit, how to write as a pantser AND a plotter, start your marketing, how to hire an editor and more.
Click here to note your interest in registered for the next Memoir MasterClass!
Rusti L Lehay (creative writing instructor and workshop leader for over a decade) will be your guide.
Opportunity for Writers
Writers' Workout Wednesdays! 2nd & 4th Wednesdays
Perfect for authors looking for encouragement and accountability to complete their books, or meet deadlines for other writing projects. Great for writers who are fatigued going it alone. Receive valuable feedback and encouragement during the editing/revision process before sending it off to agents, before testing the market with your virgin copy, or hiring an editor to do a complete overhaul.
In this structured group, every writer will learn from each other's equally allotted time of sharing and feedback, writing techniques and skills will be reviewed, resources will be shared, and most importantly, writing can be a group thing, instead of solitary drudgery.
Just like weightlifters need a spot in the gym to lift beyond their capacity to grow their muscles and push past plateaus, writers need friendly listeners to spot gaps, the need for transitions, and to confirm where the writing captivates, intrigues and draws readers to the content. Ask me more or click here to fill out a multiple choice form sharing your interest and questions.
Six-month commitment is Cdn $51.97/month, Monthly Cdn $55.97, Drop-in CDN $33 (Participants limited to 8. Drop-in option is dependent on availability . Membership options are available. See Membership Perks.
Writers Workout Wednesdays - Participants share
"If I could add and I'm not casting aspersions. on you, Rusti, but no one in this room has a vested interest that something be done. We're not getting paid for the feedback, or the feed forward, just here's the conversation. We don't care if you take it and do it and it doesn't matter but Rusti, you get paid for that. So of course, you've got a much deeper, broader sense of how to do that. And you bring us to a new game. There's no question about it, but the rest of us. There's nothing for us to win or lose. We're just engaged in a lovely exchange of data and information. It's called public discourse and it's gotten completely lost and you provide that for us. It's awesome. We hang out in this exquisite, delightful clarifying soup like who wouldn't want to do that?" Bill C
October 12th, 2024
Writers' Lounge
We gather, write to prompts, share, receive verbal feedback from me and from the group in the chat. Click here to register for the next Writers' Lounge and write!
The next Open Mic will be announced soon.
Sign up here to be alerted for the free Open Mic.
Check out the other regular events above and below.
Rusti L Lehay (creative writing instructor and workshop leader for over a decade) will be your guide.
October 12th, 2024
Writers' Lounge
We gather, write to prompts, share, receive verbal feedback from me and from the group in the chat. Click here to register for the next Writers' Lounge and write!
The next Open Mic will be announced soon.
Sign up here to be alerted for the free Open Mic.
Rusti L Lehay (creative writing instructor and workshop leader for over a decade) will be your guide.
Finding More Wonder in Your Words
Book the Stay-Treat weekend for you and your writing projects!
Schedule for the STAY-Treats
Saturday - Sunday 9:00-3:00 MST
We dive into solid writing time on the Saturday and Sunday. Attendees always say the longer time blocks zip by. We start with a quick check-in and then it's all about writing and sharing.
We hope you'll join us for this fun and productive time together. In previous retreats, our attendees hailed from Germany, Australia, London, U.K, Florida, New Orleans, Alberta, British Columbia and Mexico. Click here to find out more.
Writers' Lounges are from 11-2 PST and 2-5 New York EST.
Resources Available:
From planning your title to Amazon best seller strategies and guerilla marketing, we have the resource you need or can refer you.
What are you needing? Chances are I have a template for that!
I have created over 45 articles and templates to help you on your writing journey!
DND Poster
Click on the image to download your poster.
Steps To Write
How-to Book!
Ask me for a copy!
Your words can free others!
Article How-To Write Your Memoir
Several tips and helpful methods and ideas to help you plot out your memoir. Click here for a copy!
Words hold the power to design your future. What are you designing?
Welcome to
Word Quest
Writing Coach & More
"You've given me so much more in a short discovery call than I received from a multi-thousand dollar book contract." Gina Bosler Fontaine
Writers Launchpad - Aim for the moon!Masterminding with an expert about your book structure or ideas makes it easy to take action on the next step, and the next, and the next! By booking a Launchpad Session with Rusti, save yourself frustration, time and money. See yourself reach milestones, and benefit from a coach who can see directions to explore.
Whether you're contemplating writing your first book, or ready to market a completed manuscript, Rusti's techniques and encouragement will provide tools, answer questions, and keep you writing effectively.
Your Launchpad Session includes: ~ Do you need and/or want to write a book, but aren't? ~ Discover what kind of book is in you. ~ Delve into the healing power of personal writing. ~ Learn to write to save your life, I did! ~ Or calculate your book's ROI. ~ How short e-books can offer more advantages & higher profits. ~ How to “earn” an Amazon best-seller spot. ~ Key steps to increase your chances for a NYT best-seller! ~ Find out how to use the Wall Street Journal as a selling tool. ~ The promotion perks of using NetGalley and GoodReads. ~ Find the key thoughts and build your outline! ~ How to strategically plan blogs to write your book for you! All this for only $297 USD
*All booked, paid and completed Launchpad sessions include a bonus 15-minute follow-up call for any new questions that may arise. You can also use the 15-minute booking link as a discovery call to ask any burning questions.
Resources Available:
From planning your title to Amazon best-seller strategies and guerrilla marketing, we have the resource you need
or can refer you.
Resources Available:
From planning your title to Amazon best-seller strategies and guerrilla marketing, we have the resource you need
or can refer you.
Bye for now.
Go write!
It's time to...
It'a always a good time to write!
Find Your Story, Write Your Story with Word Quest
I have a team of editors, ghostwriters, proofreaders, and individualized coaching for writers here when you are ready. We even help you feel ready! Remember, "Done is better than perfect and waiting for better is the enemy of accomplishing your goals."