Scroll below to view upcoming events in order
To learn more about all the options and all the various ways to access support and events to meet your writing goals, please visit this page. Feel free to email me with any questions.
Next Memoir Masterclass.
May 30th
This Memoir Group Starts Feb 5th.
We'll discuss - some of the brain science of writers' block, how to conquer it thru practical steps, habit creation for writing regularly, follow-up on your establishing a writing routine, how to begin, organize, structure your work, how to self-edit, how to write as a pantser AND a plotter, start your marketing, how to hire an editor and more.
More details will be posted soon. (Like the 5 Key Factors of Telling a Compelling Story.)
Click here to note your interest in registering for the next Memoir MasterClass!
Check out the other regular events above and below.
Rusti L Lehay (creative writing instructor and workshop leader for over a decade) will be your guide.
We'll discuss - some of the brain science of writers' block, how to conquer it thru practical steps, habit creation for writing regularly, follow-up on your establishing a writing routine, how to begin, organize, structure your work, how to self-edit, how to write as a pantser AND a plotter, start your marketing, how to hire an editor and more.
Click here to note your interest in registering for the next Memoir MasterClass!
Rusti L Lehay (creative writing instructor and workshop leader for over a decade) will be your guide.
February 8th, 2025
will be the next
Co-Ed Writers' Lounge
We gather, write to prompts, share, receive verbal feedback from me and from the group in the chat. Join us and register for the next Writers' Lounge and write!
Sign up here for the Friday Inspiration Boost missive. One way to be in-the-know for regular event updates and receive prompts for writing along with a video link for additional inspiration.
Check out the other regular events on this page.
Rusti L Lehay (creative writing instructor and workshop leader for over a decade) will be your guide.
February 8th, 2025
will be the next
Co-Ed Writers' Lounge
We gather, write to prompts, share, receive verbal feedback from me and from the group in the chat. Join us and register for the next Writers' Lounge and write!
Sign up here for the Friday Inspiration Boost missive. One way to be in-the-know for regular event updates and receive prompts for writing along with a video link for additional inspiration.
Rusti L Lehay (creative writing instructor and workshop leader for over a decade) will be your guide.
February 13, 2025 Confirmed Pomodoro Retreat Day
The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s.
It uses a kitchen timer to break work into 20-minute intervals, followed by short five-minute breaks and then repeats.
Each interval is known as a Pomodoro, from the Italian word for tomato. Cirillo used a tomato-shaped timer in his university studies.
Become a member and gain access to every event or check in with me about attending a Pomodoro Day to try it out.
Check out the other regular events on this page.
Rusti L Lehay (creative writing instructor and workshop leader for nearly two decades) will be your host.
February 13, 2025 Confirmed Pomodoro Retreat Day
The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s.
It uses a kitchen timer to break work into 20-minute intervals, followed by short five-minute breaks and then repeats.
Each interval is known as a Pomodoro, from the Italian word for tomato. Cirillo used a tomato-shaped timer in his university studies.
Become a member and gain access to every event or check in with me about attending a Pomodoro Day to try it out.
Rusti L Lehay (creative writing instructor and workshop leader for nearly two decades) will be your host.

This group is now full for the year!
Writers Workout Wednesdays!
Perfect for authors looking for encouragement and accountability to complete their books, or meet deadlines for other writing projects. Great for writers who are fatigued going it alone. Receive valuable feedback and encouragement during their editing/revision process before sending it off to agents, before testing the market with your virgin copy, or hiring an editor to do a complete overhaul.
In this structured group, every writer will learn from each other's equally allotted time of sharing and feedback. Writing techniques and skills will be reviewed, resources will be shared, and most importantly, writing can be a group thing, instead of solitary drudgery.
Just like weightlifters need a spot in the gym to lift beyond their capacity to grow their muscles and push past plateaus, writers need friendly listeners to spot gaps, the need for transitions, and to confirm where the writing captivates, intrigues and draws readers to the content.
Ask me more or click here to fill out a multiple choice form sharing your interest and questions.
Three-month commitment is Cdn $70/month, Monthly Cdn $75, Drop-in one session CDN $35 (Participants limited to 8. Drop-in option is dependent on availability . Membership option for the year is $570. See Membership Perks.

Writers Workout Wednesday
Participants Share
"If I could add and I'm not casting aspersions. on you, Rusti, but no one in this room has a vested interest that something be done. We're not getting paid for the feedback, or the feed forward, just here's the conversation. We don't care if you take it and do it and it doesn't matter but Rusti, you get paid for that. So of course, you've got a much deeper, broader sense of how to do that. And you bring us to a new game. There's no question about it, but the rest of us. There's nothing for us to win or lose. We're just engaged in a lovely exchange of data and information. It's called public discourse and it's gotten completely lost and you provide that for us. It's awesome. We hang out in this exquisite, delightful clarifying soup like who wouldn't want to do that?" Bill C
STAY-Treat #25 February 22-23
The next STAY-Treat speaker may be all about how writers protect themselves from defamation, slander and libel or how to set up the very best one-page landing site for authors and their books.
Stay tuned for more details.
Links to register for the STAY-Treat in Cdn funds will be posted soon.
Links to register for the STAY-Treat in Cdn funds will be posted soon.
Remember there are deals to be had if you wish to attend more than a few events!
To attend just the speaker portion for free for any STAY-Treat, click here.Rusti L Lehay is your host for the weekend of writing.
STAY-Treat #25 February 22-23
Rusti L Lehay is your host for the weekend of writing.
March 22nd, 2025
Pop-Up 2025 Spring Event
Open Mic
Click here to register for this open mic or to be alerted when the next date is set.
Check out the other regular events on this page.
Rusti L Lehay (creative writing instructor and workshop leader for nearly two decades) will be your host.
March 22nd, 2025
Pop-Up 2025 Spring Event
Open Mic
Click here to register for this open mic or to be alerted when the next date is set.
Rusti L Lehay (creative writing instructor and workshop leader for nearly two decades) will be your host.
If you missed STAY-Treat #24 Speaker Bonnie Zink on
Amplifying Diverse Writing Voices
For over 20 years, Bonnie Zink has served as the ultimate knowledge matchmaker—connecting people with the information they need to create real change. Whether it's helping communities thrive or navigating social challenges, she ensures knowledge gets into the right hands, at the right time.
Bonnie will also address the fears of AI that exist among writers. So many folks are under the misconception that they have no place anymore now that everyone can create with AI.
Click here to see her session on YouTube.
To attend the speaker portion of any STAY-Treat for free, click here.Rusti L Lehay is your host for the weekend of writing.
If you missed STAY-Treat #24 Speaker Bonnie Zink on
Amplifying Diverse Writing Voices
Rusti L Lehay is your host for the weekend of writing.
Finding More Wonder in Your Words
Book a Stay-Treat weekend for you and your writing projects!
Attend the Monday Writing Room to keep you in a groove for writing.
Schedule for the STAY-Treats
Saturday - Sunday 9:00-3:00 MST
We dive into solid writing time on the Saturday and Sunday. Attendees always say the longer time blocks zip by. We start with a quick check-in and then it's all about writing and sharing.
We hope you'll join us for this fun and productive time together. In previous retreats, our attendees hailed from Germany, Australia, London, U.K, Florida, New Orleans, Alberta, British Columbia and Mexico. Click here to find out more.
Writers' Lounges are from 11-2 PST and 2-5 New York EST.
Resources Available:
From planning your title to Amazon best seller strategies and guerilla marketing, we have the resource you need or can refer you.
What are you needing? Chances are I have a template for that!
I have created over 60 articles and templates to help you on your writing journey!
Article How-To Write Your Memoir
Several tips and helpful methods and ideas to help you plot out your memoir. Click here for a copy!

Words hold the power to design your future. What are you designing?

Resources Available:
From planning your title to Amazon best-seller strategies and guerrilla marketing, we have the resource you need
or can refer you.
Resources Available:
From planning your title to Amazon best-seller strategies and guerrilla marketing, we have the resource you need
or can refer you.
Bye for now.
Go write!

It's time to...
It'a always a good time to write!
Find Your Story, Write Your Story with Word Quest
I have a team of editors, ghostwriters, proofreaders, and individualized coaching for writers here when you are ready. We even help you feel ready! Remember, "Done is better than perfect and waiting for better is the enemy of accomplishing your goals."